January 2025
9th January
| Straight out of the Camera Competition - Judge: Vin Scothern DPAGB EFIAP PPSA BPE5* The only rule for this one is that your image comes straight out of the camera. Just press the shutter and show us what you saw! No manipulation allowed, with the exception of resizing! Deadline: Landscape Competition (2 prints / 1 digital, or 1 print / 2 digitals, max 3) |
16th January | Creating a Fresh Brew - Peter Gennard MFIAP EFIAP/d3 |
23rd January | Landscapes Competition - Judge: David Gibbons ARPS APAB EFIAP/b BPE5* Deadline: Panels Competition (up to 2 print panels, and 2 digital panels) |
30th January | Creative Lecture - Barbie Lindsay MPAGB FBPE EFIAP/s AWPF |