About Us

The Shirley Photographic society was founded on 12th April 1937.  It was then known as the Photographic Section of the Shirley Social and Library Circle.  Following the outbreak of the Second World War, in 1939, the society continued to function albeit within the restriction of wartime measures.  After 1945, when the situation began to normalise, the society ceased being a section of the Shirley Circle on 21st April 1947 and became a separate entity devoted solely to photography.  It was then necessary to change its title and so became the Shirley Photographic Society

The society is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through its membership of the Midlands Counties Photographic Federation, and regularly sends delegates to the Federation meetings. 

During the life of the club, we have progressed from darkroom prints and transparencies to the digital age, with projected images and prints generated by computers.  Some members prefer to print for themselves and others use dedicated companies.  Both are acceptable for club competitions.  As the new technology has developed the club has adapted to help our members by developing workshops to get to grips with editing software and techniques. We have a reputation for being a friendly club where members can usually find someone for advice when required, in addition to learning from our wide range of speakers and the comments of judges.  There is no obligation to enter competitions, but it is an opportunity to see what fellow club members are doing. 

New members often join us with little knowledge of digital cameras and technology.  Some may be new to photography whilst others may have been competent in the use of film cameras and darkroom techniques, but haven't made the transition to the digital age.  Others may be very confident with their photographic skills, but want to enjoy the company of like-minded people.

Whatever your age or background, we welcome anyone with an interest and enthusiasm for the art of photography.

Unless otherwise stated in the programme the society meets weekly, on Thursday evenings, between September and the following April each year.  Meetings are held in the small hall at Shirley Methodist Church.   

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